400 East Pratt Street, Suite 800
Baltimore, MD 21202
ph: 410-551-3483
fax: 410-551-3823
You can reach a secure level of compliance by working with Optimal Physician Services, LLC
We provide solutions that:
Reduce documentation errors to create faster reimbursement and to minimize the risk of fines or penalites.
Support coding and billing for the independent pracitioner to the multi-specialty groups
Assist practioners in developing better billing documentation for specialty areas, such as electrophysiology, hematology, and others
Develope measurement tools, such as point systems and percentage tables similar to what the OIG uses to assess if physicians are documenting correctly
Evaluate the effectiveness of corrective plans by reviewing physicians' charts and their progress of improvement
Train physicians and employees on new compliance requirements by providing educational sessions
Identify missed revenue by uncovering under coding of more expansive services
Train individuals and groups on ICD-10 through the use of presentations
Support legal litigation and can serve as expert witnesses
All of our engagements are handled in a professionally independent and objective manner, as appropriate to the nature of the engagement, taking into account any other relationships or engagements that may exist.
We are experienced in review procedures, including retention of records, claims review and reporting and validation reviews.
We offer one-on-one education to physicians to help eliminate errors in coding documentation. WE LISTEN! We spend time listening to physicians in order dicsover underlying issues. Listening allows us to create customized action plans to reduce risk and errors we've identified in the practice.
OPS, Your Partners in Success.
Ensuring your organization is in compliance with the standards set by the OIG, CMS and the AMA.
Copyright 2011 Optimal Physician Services, LLC. All rights reserved.
400 East Pratt Street, Suite 800
Baltimore, MD 21202
ph: 410-551-3483
fax: 410-551-3823